
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Watch out !!!

My food blog is coming up !!

stay tuned ..

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Allright !! So I am a mom.. that's right.. it seems like yesterday when Krish and I were frolicking (yeah frolicking) around town.. me in my 5 inch skirt (well, ok 10 inch skirt) and him in his ..hmm... well, he is still the same.. Well, anyway, here we were drinking till 3 in the AM and eating pancakes and eggs at a rundown place before calling it a "night" and now here we are still up 3 in the AM but for a different reason..

so we were blessed with a son this july.. July 30th to be exact. one day before my birthday.. (he couldn't wait any longer).. he was perfect. .. he is perfect.. so perfect.. that when he came out, I couldn't believe he was mine.. ours :)

He is about 4 1/2 months now.. His third day at daycare and mommy (that would be me) is going crazy.. am missing him sooooooooooo much.. He had a rough start at the daycare but we are taking it one day at a time.

I've been meaning to start blogging for quite some time now.. a shout out to my cuz' for encouraging me to do so.. (thanks Betu)... See, him and I grew up together in India.. I remember spending every summer and winter vacation together. it was terrible !! I hated him.. well, I am sure he did too ! we were two teenagers who thought we were right all the time.. ( I know I was) but things started getting better eventually when we both kind of realized that we were two different individuals and No it was not a competition among us.. we were on the same team :)we could be different but still be together.. make sense ?? anyway I digress.. so, He encouraged me to start blogging.. and so here I am .. Aman(Betu).. this is for you..

Monday, April 03, 2006


The story behind it!!

I grew up in India and like any other self respecting non vegetarian indian, I LOVE let me repeat LOVE Butter Chicken.. What is it you ask.. Let me just say its heaven!! If you ask, how do I know its heaven, I want to say if I had the opportunity to create Heaven, I would make butter chicken. Better still, make my mom make it!! Since I believe in spreading cheer and joy and Heaven-ness I want to share the recipe with you.. Enjoy !! Heaven is just closer than you think !!


Tandoori Chicken 1 whole (See recipe below)
Butter 50 gms
Cream 1 cup
Tomato puree 3 cups
Garam Masala Powder 2 tsp.
Red chilli powder 1 tsp.
Coriander powder 1/2 tsp.
Ginger paste 1 tsp.
Garlic paste 1 tsp.
Green chilli paste 1 tsp.
Salt to taste
Chopped green coriander leaves for garnishing


1. Take 1 whole tandoori chicken and cut it into pieces (6-8).
2. Heat the butter in a frying pan. Add ginger garlic and green chilli paste and
saute for 1 minute. Add tomato puree, red chilli powder, garam masala powder,
coriander powder and salt. Stir well.
3. Add little water just enough to make a thick gravy and bring it to boil on high.
Reduce the heat and add chicken pieces.
4. Stir gently to coat all the chicken pieces with tomato gravy. Add 1/2 cup cream
and simmer for 10 minutes.

Garnish with coriander leaves and rest of the cream and serve hot with Naan or

Tandoori Chicken


Chicken (whole) 1
Red chilli powder 1 tsp.
Garam Masala Powder 1 tsp.
Ginger paste 1 tsp.
Garlic paste 1 tsp.
Green chilli paste 1 tsp.
Yogurt (curd) 1/2 cup
Lemon juice 2 tbsp.
Tandoori color (orange- available in Indian stores)
Salt to taste
Vegetable or olive oil (for basting)


1. Thoroughly clean the chicken. Prick it with knife or fork all over and make slits diagonally.
2. Apply a mixture of red chilli powder, salt and lemon juice all over the body and marinate it for 30-45 minutes.
3. Churn the yogurt and add ginger, garlic and green chilli paste, garam masala and mix well.
4. Pour this yogurt mixture over the chicken and toss so that it gets coated well all through, with the paste. Force some mixture in the slits. Marinate it for 6-7 hours.
5. Brush the chicken with little oil. Then put it in a grill and cook for about 20 minutes (almost cooked). Finally bast the chicken with oil and again roast it until fully cooked.

Serve hot.

Try Kingfisher or Golden Eagle Beer with it!! Ummm Ummm..

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

From Yogini's desk: Yoga and Pregnancy

That’s right!! Yoga and Pregnancy works great together!! My best friend who is 3 months pregnant has been practicing yoga for as long as I can remember. She started when she was in college so it has become a lifestyle for her which she didn’t want to change when she got in the family way. After hearing from her about her yoga regimen, I did some research on the prenatal and postnatal yoga practices.
Recommended Pre- Natal Poses:
Hip openers like Pigeon, Warrior II, Triangle, Ardha Chandrasana, Baddha Konasana, and Knee to Ankle will help create the flexibility that will make giving birth easier.
Recommended Post- Natal Poses:
Downward Dog, Triangle and the SuryaNamaskar.
Follow the link below for more details: http://yoga.about.com/od/prenatalyogaposes/
Some great websites for our expectant mothers:


Some great maternity yoga apparel web sites:


Here’s to beautiful and healthy babies!!! (and moms too) !!

Namaste!!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

From Yogini's desk: Joy for the belly and soul

That’s what I read when I was finishing up a carton of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky monkey ice cream yesterday. Ohh. Stop.. Stop judging me... Yes, I admit, I did lick the carton clean but it was already half over (courtesy my husband) before I got my hands around it. And then as I was sitting there, I looked down at my belly. Yup, it was there, this pudgy little roll just peeking out from the bottom of my tank top, snickering at me. I swear, I heard it say, “Happy Happy Joy Joy !!!”. Even though, I admit my belly and soul were pretty joyful after that “sinful, I hate bananas but just can’t have enough chunky monkey banana ice cream” ice cream, there was something in me somewhere which said, “Get up and run… run…. Keep running till your tummy fat falls off.” And we all know if it was that easy, I would have done it by now (twice!).

Anybody who knows me knows my quest to lose that little tummy of mine year after year. My mom labeled it as “baby fat” even though I am a full grown 24 year old woman. My husband calls it love- meat (not to be confused with love handles). I call it, “Good lord!! Go away u $*$%@!!” ….You get the picture.

So I have decided to do something about it. (As I have been trying for as long as I can remember). But no seriously, I want it to disappear….Ok…. Realistically, I just want it to lessen at least. In this blog, I am going to try out some belly firming yoga tricks and let’s try them together and see if they’ll work.

Start with your Om Chant.
You can try either of the below and see which one you are the most comfortable with.

Plank Pose which is really good for Abdomen toning and also arm strengthening.
Bharadvajasana I (Bharadvaja's Twist)- Easy but really effective.
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

Advanced level:
Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) - Strengthens the abdomen, calves, thighs and the total body.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

I am going to try these and see if they help. If not, I might just blame my Indian genes for my rice and curry loving “love- meat”. Or maybe I’ll take up belly dancing?

Namaste!!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

From Yogini's desk: Yoga is for Girls!!

No it’s not!!! Maybe we should have talked about this before starting anything but one of the common myths includes the one above. Let’s go over this a little bit. What is Yoga used for anyways?

Answer # 1- for flexibility.
Answer # 2- for attaining composure.
Answer # 3- for gaining spirituality.
Answer # 4- for stretching.
Answer # 5- for looking fabulous.

Well, all the answers are right and show me one man who doesn’t need the above? Now, don’t go around thinking I hate men and this blog is to dis them because it’s not. I just want to clear out certain myths if you will about this wonderful sport...errr... Yoga is not a sport (another myth); it’s a lifestyle but anyways, so that everybody can live peacefully ever after. Om…….

So, to reiterate my point, even though most of the people who practice Yoga are women, it doesn’t mean that men can’t gain from yoga. Bodybuilders, marathon runners or even people like my husband who love Karate and Tennis, can warm up and cool down with Yoga. Some great things you can try with yoga if you really don’t want to do the “Real” yoga are breathing, meditation, lunges and leg stretches.

Here’s to a happier, peaceful and a healthier you!!

Namaste!!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

From Yogini's desk: Babies and Big toes

I am planning a friend’s baby shower. Thinking about shower ideas and games, I started going through my childhood photographs. I noticed a photograph of mine showing me put my big toe in my mouth “effortlessly”. So I thought to give it a try. I lay down and tried bringing my foot towards my head but stopped short. My inner thigh felt a little tug. Ouch!!! That hurt!! Well, that didn’t go too well. And I wondered, “Why is that?”

And then the inner me said,” Ahm... You haven’t been yoga -ing in a long time”

Well, fine… Let’s try to accomplish that task today. Not literally putting our big, nasty, smelly toes in our mouth but let’s try to open up our hips and yes I said, open up our hips and try to stretch our legs and those joints a little bit.

Start with your “Om” Chant as described before to get warmed up.

Now stand in the “Tadasana” - Mountain Pose.
Follow it up with the “Virabhadrasana” -Warrior pose.

You can follow the link below for step to step instructions. (A very cool web site!!!)


or you can try the one recommended by our very own BFG.


And now Relax!!

Lie down flat on your mat. Hold onto your big toes with your index finger and your middle finger forming a peace sign. Rock gently from left to right 2-3 times and just relax. Release your feet and lie down flat with palms facing down sideways on the mat. Breathe normally.

Repeat this process in sets of 5-6, 2-3 non-consecutive days a week.

Were you able to bring your toe to your mouth yet? Don’t fret. Me neither. We’ll just keep trying.
We’ll show those babies we can do it too!!! Oh…. And by the way, I got a cool idea from all this. I will have the attendees at the baby shower share their baby pictures of doing something “crazy” which they can’t do today. And I won’t be showing mine with my toe. (At least I’ll try).

Some great music for yoga-
I personally like the “Rhythms of peace” but there are a lot of choices below. Just Pick and choose.


Namaste !!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

From Yogini's desk: Om !

“Om”. - The most important “Mantra” (chant) in Yoga. It is believed that the vibrating sound of the "Om' encompasses the Universe. Om or AUM is pronounced “om” as in “home.

Why don’t we start a little bit today by getting to know our body? Let’s see how our body listens to our mind.

Start by wearing comfortable clothes. Some people like to wear loose clothes and some like it snug so suit yourself. The whole idea about yoga is to practice it at your won pace.

Sit down on your mat (Indian style). Sit on the floor. Keep your spine erect. Take your right foot and place it on top of your left thigh and take your left foot over your right leg and place it on your right thigh.

Confused ???

Just sit down and keep the legs in an interlocked position flat on the mat. Better ?

Well now that you are seated, make sure your spine is erect. Just stay there for a couple of minutes. You will begin to feel a little restricted. And that’s very normal. It’s just because your body is not used to being in that position. Even though, this will apply to beginners, it can also apply to any person in general.

Inhale. Exhale. Slowly increase the lengths of your inhalation and exhalation. Repeat the process 5 times. Now Inhale strongly so that you actually make a hissing sound while doing so. Exhale. (Keep your mouth shut) The reason you want to do that is to keep all your body heat within your body.

Notice when you inhale, your lungs fill up, your abdomen relaxes, and your chest rises and when you exhale, your lungs constrict, your chest drops, and your abdomen constricts.

Inhale. On your next exhale say “Ommmmmm”. Stretch the word as long as your exhale. So it might sound like “Ommm” or “Ommmmmmm” or even “Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”. Repeat the chant inhalation and exhalation as long as you wish. Make sure to go with your natural breath. Don’t rush it and also if you are practicing in a group, remember; it is not a competition.

Next you will want to close you eyes and repeat the process. Remember to switch off your phones, and forget about everything; i.e. Laundry, groceries, love troubles, bills, last night’s drunken behavior etc... You get the picture. Close you eyes and think “Om”.

Ommmmmmmmm… Ommmmmmmm.. Ommmmmmmmmm.

Congratulations!! You just chanted the “Om”. This chanting of Om looks very easy and also sounds very redundant but this process will actually help you discipline and also relax you some to carry on further. Happy chanting!!

Namaste !!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

"The goal which all the Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at, and which men desire when they lead the life of continence … is OM. This syllable OM is indeed Brahman. Whosoever knows this syllable obtains all that he desires. This is the best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma."~ Katha Upanishad I~
Courtesy: http://www.lotussculpture.com/

Yoga - Where the body IS turned into a pretzel.
(Not the first day but gradually)

My head was dangling in between my shoulders and my hips were raised. Sweat was trickling down my forehead and I felt a sudden rush of blood into my head. Welcome to the Down dog- the most basic and one of the most famous positions in Yoga.

One of the common myths about Yoga includes the notion that people have to have their arms and legs wrapped around their heads, which is true but not when you are a beginner. Yogis (Males who practice yoga) and Yoginis (Females who practice yoga) take years to practice that routine. Though there might be some who were born with rather unusually flexible bodies but I will be the first to admit I am not. So my first day in a yoga class was something like I described above.

For me, the excitement and charm of yoga started when it was evident to me that I cannot run on a treadmill in a room with blaring music and the noise of the weights hitting each other for long. I wanted to exercise but I also wanted to relieve stress and try to gain my composure back after a long day at work. Yoga was a perfect fit. The beauty of yoga is that you can practice it at your own pace and in a 6 ft x 4ft area. All you need is a state of mind.
I still remember the moment I walked out of my yoga studio; I felt an air of triumph. As if I had something just for myself. And that’s what yoga is all about. It’s about you, your body, your mind and your soul. It’s about the “milan” (getting together in the Hindi language) of all these elements which make the complete you.

In my subsequent blogs, I will explain to you different asanas (positions) of yoga.
We will start from the basics and build from there. Trust me if I can do it, so can you.

Besides who doesn’t love a pretzel?

Namaste !!! (Indian greeting)
Meaning- The light in me acknowledges the light in you.

Yoga is like music. The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life - B.K.S. Iyengar

Welcome to Rids Corner!!

My name is Riddhi and am fondly called Newnee. I created this space in this gigantic world of internet to express what matters most to me and my family. Here you will not only find interesting articles and different opinions about them but also great recipes and awesome creative ideas for you to try out. Why should you read by blog you ask ?? Well, you really don't have to if you don't want to. But if you have some time or are bored doing the same old mind numbing thing over and over again, then this site is your RESCUE.. !! Enjoy it and drop in a note if you a want.
